Thursday, 9 January 2014

The most loved second of all

Remember remember the 5th of November... & remember to take your Faust's Potions after all that hot cider, to ensure that you actually can remember the 5th of November! #bonfirenight #hangovercure is it that separates one year from the next?
The bitter truth: 1 second. It takes one second for the New year to come. How much does one
really think will change within that one second? 11.59: 59pm we have 2013 and 12.00pm we have 2014.

Have you ever thought though how powerful that one second is?
The power of one second is highly underestimated in everyday life but soooo overated on New Year's eve!
One second is not considered worthy in our everyday life but somehow all of our hopes for the future and the pain which has been felt seem to be all boil down to that one second which takes us from one year to another.

This has been a recent thought of mine where I was thinking of how people feel waiting for New Years day and on the day iitself. It is common to wait for the year to go and wait for the new one to come because of what the old year will take and what the new will bring.

New year's resolutions is a display of how people think they will transform instantly within that one second which separates 2 years appart. Ofcourse people don't think of this tranformation to be down to one second but the reality is that it takes that one seccond to go from one year to the next.

Resolutions are peoples way of displaying hope for what they will do to improve themselves and their lives.
Another example of people displaying their hope with that one second is how they want the year to go as fast as possible if it was a hard one.

It is as if the pain which was felt or the hard times have been waiting for the year to pass in order to stop the pain. This is hope itself. Hope that with the departure of the year so will the pain and bad  moments.

No one begins a New Year or waits for it thinking it will be full of hate, pain or failure. It is hope, happy moments and memories that people await for with the New Year!
At least I haven't heard of anyone saying oh my God how bad will this year be?
I usually hear resolutions being made, hopes, plans and people curious and anxious in a good way of what it will bring.

So this is what has made me think that people are so impatient for the first day of the year. It is hope. Hope that things will be better. Hope that loved ones will be closer to them. Hope that they will find their other half this year. It is so funny though if you realise that this all hangs in one second. One second before 24:00 on the 31st of December!

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