What can I say......
cinema ticket to see it.
Where do I begin? Lets start with the styling and capturing of the 70's.
This was actually one of the film's srong points with good costumes and setting.
Another great part was the transformation of Christian Baile which was excellent as well as the styling of Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Really looked as they where in the 70's.
As far as Amy Adams goes.......
I heard she is nominated for an oscar-well let me just say anyone wearing those tops without having their boobs pop out does deserve an oscar-it is damn hard-although this might have their way to drive attention away from the slooooow story with no surprises.
Even if the had been better it would have been difficult to notice the talent and story
with the tops Adams was wearing-more provoking than if she hadn't been wearing anything on top.
Im pretty sure actually that women in the 70's didnt go out in the middle of the day with their boobs ready to play pick a boo!
I actually got bored after a point the film felt it was going slow, no surprises, no action no particular humour, it seemed mediocre. What made a difference was Lawrence's performance, she stood out and should have had a bigger part in my opinion, bigger than Adams's. I found the scenes Lawrence was in the most interesting.
picture: http://www.moviepostershop.com/american-hustle-movie-poster-2013