They exist. From the day we are born we are surrounded by them. I remember being told when I was young
that we all have our guardin angel who sits next to us when we are asleep.
It was only till later in life I realised that guardian angels and Azazel are the people who are part of it.
I have met few angels. Not necessarily my own but they are around us. I have seen them. In the faces of those who care for those in need.
Those who are conscious of the harm we cause in nature.
Those who give their lover to the homeless and those who care for sick and stray animals. Even in the faces of those who have only little and yet share what they have with others less fortunate than them.
There are angels around us but we don't notice 'cause their wings and halo's are invisible. We are used to identify angels as something holly up in heaven - creatures looking down on us but how else do we call those who look out for us, save us, do good?
We each find our guardian angel in different places and faces. That of a mother, a friend, a lover. Sometimes we do not even realise we have one in our life till it is too late.
Ofcourse there cannot be a world of guardian angels without the existense of Azazel in our lives.
I have come across too many in different forms.
They usually disguise themselves and look like well intentioned friends and family. Which is quite unfortunate 'cause family you don't get to choose and quite frequently are made to put up with those mean bastards.
Those who are two faced, those who create wars. Those who harm people and animals without a second thought.
I have in my life seen Azazel hidden inside many. Im sure you all have - he is usually behind a smilling face or an attractive person. You would be surprised to discover he is even behind that person who laughs frequently and is sociable - the one you can never imagine is such a fake, mean person.
The ones who cannot bear to see you in bliss and happy and try to ruin it for you even by their actions without limiting themselves to words.
Azazel like angels, do not always appear in human form.

Im sure if you give it some thought you will too can think of at least one guardian angel that yo have met and many Azazels......
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