Sunday, 3 March 2013

Brainwashed : the secret history of mind control by Streatfeild

When I read this book I was blown away by the things I had read.

You will be amazed of how far human beings could go when acting in a state of power and what they are capable of doing in order to reach their goal.

Those who are interested in conspiracy theory will in my opinion find this a very interesting book.
The book refers to a different case in every chapter, from the methods used by intelligence agencies such as CIA like hypnosis to how psychological and pharmaceutical  methods have been used in order to get the 'truth' out to how the Irish were made to admit to being part of the IRA even when innocent.

The book covers a range of brainwashing methods used globally even by organisations which act in the name of God, hidden messages in metal bands L.P's when played backwards etc.

An easy to read book will make you feel as if your eyes have been opened. I enjoyed every minute of reading and learned a lot too.

I'm sure you will enjoy it too!

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