Friday, 26 April 2013

Free will

Free will has been an issue which I have been thinking about  a lot as a result of ''religious'' individuals.
But if you think about it, free will is about choice and respect for those choices. It goes beyond what God gave people as a freedom of choice - we see everyday people being made fun of or even questioned about their choice I'm sure it has happened to you.

So lets start off with the first issue I have of people not respecting free will. I have often met people who claim to be religious and followers of God and Christ and claim to be deeply involved in practising their faith - usually referring to Christianity. So one of the things I never got was how these people support they are such humble follower of God but do not usually realise they have become followers of the church and the clergy and instead of reading the bible themselves they only gulp down what priests shove down their throats usually what will not be against their interests and not make people question why they wear so much gold and churches are decorated so expensively instead of teaching to simply pray and live humble and try to not harm.
So in all this that the followers listen to do not realise that there are so many contradictions in the teachings of the church like : God said love thy neighbour right? I don't know of him to have said live thy neighbour unless he is homosexual, different race, belonging to a different religion etc. Love thy neighbour full-stop is the phrase. So why does the church say it is a sin to be with someone of the same sex? Especially after soooo many scandals have broken out about the Vatican and certain Catholic priests which managed to get out easily from paying the price.

So in all this as I was saying these religious people gulp down anything these righteous men tell them instead of reading the bible themselves or even better historical books based on facts instead of believing a huge fire came down from the sky and fell on earth, which by the way was a very rare comet not something sent from God! So these people give others lectures about their choices like it is a seen to have an abortion, even though the baby is known to be born with serious problems or it is a seen not to baptise your child or to have a child outside marriage - and what the fuck about free will? was that not given to people by God? But of
course this is not in favour of priests so they do not stress it so obviously in their teachings or Sunday schools do they? This is why someone soooo religious when asked by atheists of God is so powerful why doesn't he stop war or hunger the 'religious' brothers don't know how to answer and simply reply because it isn't God doing that it is people - so religious that they do not know God has given free will and therefore cannot act against it? He cannot stop someone from doing something they chose to cause He has given them free will.

I would imagine that if you are so faithful in anything weather that is religion, football teams or music groups you will at least have basic knowledge on it and be able t answer simple questions on it!!!! You would think!
They have received so much brainwashing from the church that they never question anything they hear and do not realise that sin isn't  only about having a list of things you tick on doing or not doing things so to get on God's good side but GOD SEE'S EVERYTHING you ass holes he can see how you feel and think at least that is what believers think so don't act like 'oh these are do's and these are dont's'   he see's soles my dears HELLOOOOOOOO. You might think these people would have a general idea on the matter at least more understating than others but to me they seem just freakin' gullible instead of having a thirst to learn but also to be pure because it is the right thing to do instead of what will get them points for heaven!

Going further I must say we see see that free will is daily being criticised. Starting with parents when you get to adolescence ahhahahahhaha it seems like yesterday that I was in school and I remember clearly not being accepted by my parents for my choices. I remember once I had a torn pair of jeans, which by the way they are now in fashion so clearly they seem acceptable by parents, and one day I came home from school and guess what had happened to my favourite torn pair of jeans? It was thrown out! About 15 years have past and I still cannot forget it. I also remember wanting a black leather jacket with nails around the same time and my mother's response was that those wearing such clothes are people with emotional problems hahahha.
Don't want to go too much into parents and their children cause it is a different issue but if this isn't a violent way to take away someone's free will then what is?

This is something happening everyday. Friends do it when they don't accept our partners right? Of course not talking about people who we know cheat ect. People watching you because your unique style does not suit their tight asses and look at you up and down? Isn't that a form of disrespect for your free will and not only?

Well you know what I do in such cases? I look back hahah you know the thing you do with dogs when they look at you and you look back into their eyes until they turn their eyes elsewhere and you know then you have broken them down? Same thing with people - plus it gets quite fun after a bit cause it really freaks them out!   

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