Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The opposite sex for a day...

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you woke up one day and
were the opposite sex for a day? I have many male guy friends which always say 'Oh if I were a woman I would be a real slut' would they though if they were actually a woman?

As they themselves say it is off putting to see women so forward and sluty therefore wouldn't that be a barrier to hooking up with guys?

Nowadays it is hard for women anyway as guys don't pay that much attention to girls like they used to.

So what would it be like?
Let's see..... Guys you would have to spend that time  in the bathroom getting ready for work: It is not so quick it is not that easy and yes it is necessary!

Guys you would then have to walk on heels! Ha ha good luck with that - try to stand straight without falling off never mind walking! 
Then you would have to drive to work wearing them. Good luck with that too. 
Not to mention as a lady you would have to watch the sounds that come out of you in the bathroom
and before you say I won't care you will cause you will then as you will be a lady. Along with being a woman goes other things like watching what you eat not just because of the figure but also cause those clothes ladies wear don't fit you the moment you gain half a kg!

Oh then there's this others issue of guys checking you out from top to bottom where you might have made the effort of being perfect looking and they will find the one thing that might be out of your control to fix like your neck being a little too long or your your nose not so straight you know things like that!

These are probably FEW of the things you ll face of being one day a woman.....

So let's go to you ladies.....
I think the worst would be to pee standing up I think that is a real challenge even though I think you would still not miss half as much as guys do even though they have done that for so long! 

Now I understand ladies usually are considered as harsh when coming to guys appearance etc.... Still I think men are equally critical of appearances as women so probably the same level of criticism would occur so nothing different there only for different things mostly related to hygiene. 

Now as far as women go, you ladies as a guy for one day, would probably have to learn that smiling and flirting does not get you free stuff, out of a parking ticket, favours etc. Admittedly it is much harder for men to get such good service in places. 
Having said that, it is quite liberal being a guy in the following sense: house cleanliness. Of course we are not talking about filthy places but women are expected to have cleaner houses than men. A man's life does not in general demand perfection in the same level as a woman's. 

They are expected to be more carefree so ladies that is a positive- you get a day without worrying of those 'silly' things men speak of! Silly my ass......

There is of course negatives to being a man usually having to do with the bedroom. I know there are guys that don't care of satisfying their ladies but being a lady whose a guy for a day of course you would know how distressful that is a woman! So lets  give those guys who are gentlemen in bed our full congrats as we realise how much work they have to put in and stamina - so good on you guys who care! Let's not mention the fact that there are things out of their control like ....size. We have to acknowledge how hard they work to keep a woman without being so....how shall we put it....generous down there. Something you can't do anything about so we have to give them credit for the hard work they do there. So imagine ladies if you were a man for a day and not so grande down there maybe you could get some sympathy for that ex boyfriend who was almost perfect but you left him anyway's because of that. So ladies being a guy isn't that is easy they too do have issues is just that they usually concern their size than anything else.

So still think it is easier being the opposite sex......?   

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