Tuesday, 5 February 2013


I must say psychological thrillers are my favourite type of films.
Maybe I should be worried that this means something about my mental state but I'm not going to be too worried about it. If no one else has noticed I'm ok for the time being.

So these are a few psychological thrillers I have seen which I like:

Shutter island

Must say I was never a big fan of Di Caprio but after this film and 'Inception' which both came out in the same year I was quite impressed by the acting. Shutter island does keep you interested to the end and it does offer that twist in the end.

The Game

I remember being at the edge of my seat not being able to work out what was going on. I find this film to have terrific performances, clever plot and
 have to say this is a film that will definitely keep your eyes fixated on the screen.

Silence of the lambs 

I find it hard to believe that anyone will disagree that this film is not a great film. Such a classic for me that I actually recently bought it on bluray. Seeing Anthony Hopkins as the psycho but genius Dr Hannibal you are so convinced by his acting that is scary. Of course it must be said that J. Foster also gave an outstanding performance as the FBI trainee. Definitely a must see and the best one out of all the sequels and prequel that followed it.

The butterfly effect

I sat two weeks staring at...well, nothing specific to be honest, wondering if I
had done this, this wouldn't have happened or would have and if I hadn't done
that, that wouldn't have happened or would have and so on. This film really
makes you think how your actions have consequences, how they may be
 responsible for a series of things occurring but for me also how one can never
 be in total control or make things perfect. Unfortunately the sequels were

Julia's eyes 

Although this film cannot be compared with the above films it does have
an interesting story. It does get a little slow somewhere in the middle
but the end offers a very interesting twist. Not the greatest psychological thriller
I have ever seen but not bad for a night in with friends.

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