Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Smile....It makes others wonder

I have been thinking about smiling for the past couple of days since my last post and how much it benefits us but also how people become curious of why you are smiling. I thought isn't it strange to wonder why someone is doing something that should be more common rather than strange?

We often find ourselves wondering why do people smile without reason.
Others do to. I  have often thought why is s/he smiling?

This is though what makes other wonder! Times are so hard smiling has become rare - or at least honest truthful smile and not the fake we give to others.

So if you want people to wonder just smile!
It has been found actually  that the more you smile, the happier you are even when faking it you eventually
become happier!
This is the reason people feel happier around children - cause they smile something like 400 times a day!

Of course there have been studies this is not my opinion. If you are interested there is a nice talk on TED you can watch:

There's lots of interesting speeches on TED and you may find other interesting stuff too!

I can remember at times being with someone and seeing them smiling for no obvious reason and festering as to why are they smiling? Are they making fun of me are they thinking something naughty? What?

I actually realised how much fun it was when I started doing it. It may  be considered  in my view as the easiest and non provocative way to attract attention without it being seen as you are doing it on purpose!
Besides this wondering you put miserable people through, who think the world is crap and everyone in it who are never happy and always blame someone else for their misery blah blah blah, smiling is also good for you it makes you feel better and helps you get through the day.

So smile!!!!!
May you have a lovely day full of beautiful thoughts! :)

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