Sunday 21 December 2014


This isn't much of a jolly post - nothing 'Christmassy'!

Pinzellades al món: Vampir golós / Vampiro goloso / Sweet vampire. Il•lustració d'Oscar Carvajal.But it is something I have been giving a lot of thought in the past few months from stuff  that has been happening around me, stories I have heard from friends and past experiences.

Vampires for me are something very different to the 'creatures of the night' the so called 'faithful' call and arre scared of. For me vampires is something alot scarier than that, people you interact with everyday:your boss, co-workers, in laws and so on and are well disguised with the best intentions.
I have recently found that friends or rather so-called friends can be vampires to.

Now how can vampires be associated to people?
Well for starters I don't think all individuals are human.
Secondly, some people suck the energy out of you like vampired feast on blood.  It might not be as grotesque or at least not visibly but it is worse because you don't realise it is happening!

I have in the past encounterest people who I didn't realise till too late they
would be jealous of a success or relationship I may have had at the time or even
could not even stand the thought that you were happy and they could not feel
Vintage Portrait Matron Vampireany joy in their lide (regardless of the fact you had nothing to do with their misserable little life).

Mother in law Vampire!

Mothers in law are a classic. To be fair there are some super dooper mothers in laws you feel so lucky to have but then...... there are the other oness. The 'I want to make you so miserable cause you took my son away from me- you good for nothing whore' ones.Im sure not only married women can relate but also poor ex girlfriends.
This woman for some reason is ever so nice to everyone else- a little fuckin' angel that makes it impossible for you to complain about because you will come off as the bad one!

Now the boss Vampire.
The assohole who for some reason is always a man or woman -doesn't really matter which - isn't getting any at home and will make sure you don't either by taking out all your fucking energy, making you work overtime and ensure you get home nakerd.
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at boss-vampire is the kind that will make you regret being there, ruin your enthusiasm for work and will make your imagination run to dark places of the things you want to do to him/her and the pain you want to inflict upon them.
The boss vampire is the type that will suck out all your positive energy and will for work and creativity and will make you look repeatedly at your watch till its time to mentally stick up your middle finger to him and leave for home.
Ofcourse if you are in a freelance area of work this goes for the people that hire you! Don't for a second think you will enter a arse-hole free zone - ahahhahha!

The friend vampire!
The friend vampire is for me different types of people. There is always the one that you don't realise is an actual frenemy and not really your friend. The type that is gealous of your success and trying to constantly put your enthusiasm down with the sole purpose of making you feel as miserable as them. These people feed off your misery, unhappiness, misfortune. Like the vampire gets energy from blood, the frenemy gets that from sucking out every little bit of positive energy. The person who will not let you get a taste of your success, excitement for your new job or when you meet the love of your life. These people feel true happiness and bliss to see you in misery and sadness but will appear ever so supportive to make sure you never are happy!
This is the same with relatives as well! Constantly making you the black sheep of the faamily and questioning your dress style, your new boyfriend, lifestyle choices etc.

The second category are actual friends, well intentioned and faithful.
Thes poor arseholes are anything but frenemies, will be there when you need them and are genuily happy with your successes.
BUT!!!! Sometimes they can suck out so much energy from you that you wouldn't believe. Now you might wonder - how can this be possible for such people?
I'll tell you right now and Im sure you will relate at some point!
There is the friend that is always depressed (commonly not for any particular or serious reason eg: starvation, health problems etc). The person you have known and since day one have never heard them say they are doing ok, they are well etc.
The fucking person who is always, with no frikin excepetion 'I have been better' I often get the urge to replie: 'really? when? cause I have never heard you being better'. 
Now I don't know for you but for me, this kills my buzz....

There is the friend that always asks for your opinion, you are happy to help, you always find some really good advice, put thought in it and give all your energy to do so and then they never take it, still do what they would initially do regardless of asking you and they do this repeatedly! Now Im not suggesting the person should do what you say but I'm saying whats the point of asking me if you never will take my advice and do this every fucking time????
Then there is the friend which will always - but always- will start talking about his or her problems and will not let you talk at all! This could be both in terms of compaining about their life or just a person who never stops blabbering!!!

All these types I have found over the years are amongst us but we don't seem to realise the ammount of energy they sucj out of us. We usually see them as arse holes or people we have to put up with or simply having to deal with cause that's what a good daughter/ son in law or friend has to do.
Im sure you can relate to at least one of the above vampires.....

picture sources:

1 comment:

  1. Hahahha.. well, let me spray some garlic perfume on me...
