Tuesday 30 April 2013

The opposite sex for a day...

Have you ever thought what it would be like if you woke up one day and
were the opposite sex for a day? I have many male guy friends which always say 'Oh if I were a woman I would be a real slut' would they though if they were actually a woman?

As they themselves say it is off putting to see women so forward and sluty therefore wouldn't that be a barrier to hooking up with guys?

Nowadays it is hard for women anyway as guys don't pay that much attention to girls like they used to.

So what would it be like?
Let's see..... Guys you would have to spend that time  in the bathroom getting ready for work: It is not so quick it is not that easy and yes it is necessary!

Guys you would then have to walk on heels! Ha ha good luck with that - try to stand straight without falling off never mind walking! 
Then you would have to drive to work wearing them. Good luck with that too. 
Not to mention as a lady you would have to watch the sounds that come out of you in the bathroom
and before you say I won't care you will cause you will then as you will be a lady. Along with being a woman goes other things like watching what you eat not just because of the figure but also cause those clothes ladies wear don't fit you the moment you gain half a kg!

Oh then there's this others issue of guys checking you out from top to bottom where you might have made the effort of being perfect looking and they will find the one thing that might be out of your control to fix like your neck being a little too long or your your nose not so straight you know things like that!

These are probably FEW of the things you ll face of being one day a woman.....

So let's go to you ladies.....
I think the worst would be to pee standing up I think that is a real challenge even though I think you would still not miss half as much as guys do even though they have done that for so long! 

Now I understand ladies usually are considered as harsh when coming to guys appearance etc.... Still I think men are equally critical of appearances as women so probably the same level of criticism would occur so nothing different there only for different things mostly related to hygiene. 

Now as far as women go, you ladies as a guy for one day, would probably have to learn that smiling and flirting does not get you free stuff, out of a parking ticket, favours etc. Admittedly it is much harder for men to get such good service in places. 
Having said that, it is quite liberal being a guy in the following sense: house cleanliness. Of course we are not talking about filthy places but women are expected to have cleaner houses than men. A man's life does not in general demand perfection in the same level as a woman's. 

They are expected to be more carefree so ladies that is a positive- you get a day without worrying of those 'silly' things men speak of! Silly my ass......

There is of course negatives to being a man usually having to do with the bedroom. I know there are guys that don't care of satisfying their ladies but being a lady whose a guy for a day of course you would know how distressful that is a woman! So lets  give those guys who are gentlemen in bed our full congrats as we realise how much work they have to put in and stamina - so good on you guys who care! Let's not mention the fact that there are things out of their control like ....size. We have to acknowledge how hard they work to keep a woman without being so....how shall we put it....generous down there. Something you can't do anything about so we have to give them credit for the hard work they do there. So imagine ladies if you were a man for a day and not so grande down there maybe you could get some sympathy for that ex boyfriend who was almost perfect but you left him anyway's because of that. So ladies being a guy isn't that is easy they too do have issues is just that they usually concern their size than anything else.

So still think it is easier being the opposite sex......?   

Sunday 28 April 2013

Vikings from History channel

Vikings, the new series from the History channel completing
 it's first series today is a close depiction of the way the Vikings lived. The history channel has
made such a great job in putting historical facts into a series creating something different to its usual documentary style programmes.

With this series you get the action, the attractive people and the knowledge of what it was like to be a Viking, how they first attacked England but also their daily habits from eating to hunting even to marrying. 

I must admit that in my mind the Vikings were a more vicious group and even though the series shows the ease in which they killed it also shoes the softer side in the way they were with their family both wives and children.
One of the interesting facts you get to learn from this series is the role of the women which was quite active as they even went to war but also various other facts like the meaning ravens had, the sacrifices they made to their Gods etc. Of course lets not forget the attractive the strong attractive men taking part like the star of the series Travis Fimmel an Australian model or his co-star Kathryn Winnick. 

So this is a highly recommended series as it offerd both action, keeps you interested plus it is an accurate account of Viking life instead of a Hollywood science fiction which usually butchers film of series based on historical events, people etc.  

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Friday 26 April 2013

Free will

Free will has been an issue which I have been thinking about  a lot as a result of ''religious'' individuals.
But if you think about it, free will is about choice and respect for those choices. It goes beyond what God gave people as a freedom of choice - we see everyday people being made fun of or even questioned about their choice I'm sure it has happened to you.

So lets start off with the first issue I have of people not respecting free will. I have often met people who claim to be religious and followers of God and Christ and claim to be deeply involved in practising their faith - usually referring to Christianity. So one of the things I never got was how these people support they are such humble follower of God but do not usually realise they have become followers of the church and the clergy and instead of reading the bible themselves they only gulp down what priests shove down their throats usually what will not be against their interests and not make people question why they wear so much gold and churches are decorated so expensively instead of teaching to simply pray and live humble and try to not harm.
So in all this that the followers listen to do not realise that there are so many contradictions in the teachings of the church like : God said love thy neighbour right? I don't know of him to have said live thy neighbour unless he is homosexual, different race, belonging to a different religion etc. Love thy neighbour full-stop is the phrase. So why does the church say it is a sin to be with someone of the same sex? Especially after soooo many scandals have broken out about the Vatican and certain Catholic priests which managed to get out easily from paying the price.

So in all this as I was saying these religious people gulp down anything these righteous men tell them instead of reading the bible themselves or even better historical books based on facts instead of believing a huge fire came down from the sky and fell on earth, which by the way was a very rare comet not something sent from God! So these people give others lectures about their choices like it is a seen to have an abortion, even though the baby is known to be born with serious problems or it is a seen not to baptise your child or to have a child outside marriage - and what the fuck about free will? was that not given to people by God? But of
course this is not in favour of priests so they do not stress it so obviously in their teachings or Sunday schools do they? This is why someone soooo religious when asked by atheists of God is so powerful why doesn't he stop war or hunger the 'religious' brothers don't know how to answer and simply reply because it isn't God doing that it is people - so religious that they do not know God has given free will and therefore cannot act against it? He cannot stop someone from doing something they chose to cause He has given them free will.

I would imagine that if you are so faithful in anything weather that is religion, football teams or music groups you will at least have basic knowledge on it and be able t answer simple questions on it!!!! You would think!
They have received so much brainwashing from the church that they never question anything they hear and do not realise that sin isn't  only about having a list of things you tick on doing or not doing things so to get on God's good side but GOD SEE'S EVERYTHING you ass holes he can see how you feel and think at least that is what believers think so don't act like 'oh these are do's and these are dont's'   he see's soles my dears HELLOOOOOOOO. You might think these people would have a general idea on the matter at least more understating than others but to me they seem just freakin' gullible instead of having a thirst to learn but also to be pure because it is the right thing to do instead of what will get them points for heaven!

Going further I must say we see see that free will is daily being criticised. Starting with parents when you get to adolescence ahhahahahhaha it seems like yesterday that I was in school and I remember clearly not being accepted by my parents for my choices. I remember once I had a torn pair of jeans, which by the way they are now in fashion so clearly they seem acceptable by parents, and one day I came home from school and guess what had happened to my favourite torn pair of jeans? It was thrown out! About 15 years have past and I still cannot forget it. I also remember wanting a black leather jacket with nails around the same time and my mother's response was that those wearing such clothes are people with emotional problems hahahha.
Don't want to go too much into parents and their children cause it is a different issue but if this isn't a violent way to take away someone's free will then what is?

This is something happening everyday. Friends do it when they don't accept our partners right? Of course not talking about people who we know cheat ect. People watching you because your unique style does not suit their tight asses and look at you up and down? Isn't that a form of disrespect for your free will and not only?

Well you know what I do in such cases? I look back hahah you know the thing you do with dogs when they look at you and you look back into their eyes until they turn their eyes elsewhere and you know then you have broken them down? Same thing with people - plus it gets quite fun after a bit cause it really freaks them out!   

Monday 22 April 2013

If animals could talk.......

This is Cookie - my beloved companion, a 6 year old cocker spaniel.
I'm sure for those of you who have pets like myself you have a great feeling of protecting animals, trying to help strays find a home even become a vegan or vegetarian.

I have often tried to imagine what it would be like if my pet could talk or at least if I could tell what her barking meant :).

Of course we can tell if the barking is caused by excitement or fear etc but that is as far as our knowledge goes. I have often stared into my dog's eyes which I'm sure you would have too and I get that awww from looking at those eyes.

Admittedly though we as humans have become very hurtful. There are countries which have a great problem with stray animals especially dogs. The things I have seen happening to animals are indescribable and I will not include pictures or talk much of the crimes but I will say this: hurting a living being for any other reason than survival is something only humans do. Nowhere else in nature is there a more vicious being than man. Even amongst the most dangerous of species you will not find such terrible torturing crimes. Even though such people who do such things like torture or kill animals should not be walking around free, as they are disturbed, mentally ill people undoubtedly, I still wonder: what if animals could talk?

Would this prevent people from hurting them as they would seem cleverer than they are therefore more superior to what they are now and closer to a humans logic level? Would talking animals prevent people from hurting them if they could say 'please don't do that it is painful'? Would people be prevented from abandoning their dogs in the street if their pet could say: 'please don't leave me, without you I will not be able to survive and I will die' ?

We as humans have domesticated animals depriving them of their instincts, their ability to live free in nature and yet we see cases of pets constantly living in a garden or quite frequently being abandoned without having any survival skills. This is a whole ethical talk which I'm not going to get into as it is pretty obvious what ethical issues arise. I will say this though: even though man managed to separate himself from animals as it is superior in logic he has failed to evolve his emotional IQ something animals have managed to do and this is why they are loyal. This is the reason humans are not superior to animals but are incapable of understanding what animals are trying to tell us by their body language or barking etc. It is us that are failing to 'read' them and yet we see them as inferior?

Isn't it surprising how every day we hear a great story about a dog or we find out more things we didn't know about them and understand them better? It is not animals that are doing anything new it is us being able to understand them. So how does this make us, humans superior?

I'm sure that all pet owners found themselves being more sensitive about animals after getting one and I'm sure they were surprised at how clever they are and the things they understand.

I know I did! 

Sunday 21 April 2013


Have you ever wondered if the things you do or the choices you make would be different if you were more popular (in your view), more attractive (in your opinion), more skilful (according to you) etc?

Would you still have made the same partner choices if you never felt lonely or in need of a woman or man in your life? If you had a successful career would you put up with the same people in your life you do now?

For the past couple of months I have been noticing people and chatting to them about their relationships, past and present, and the choices they make daily. One of the things that is so obvious but we never realise for ourselves is how much our insecurities play a part in the choices we make and the shit we put up from others.

It is quite interesting to think back at your choices in partners - usually we cannot think of any reason for choosing to be with them or why we kept giving them changes when they didn't deserve them. Would you put up with something or someone if you loved your self more or thought you were better or worth more than you actually do?

What we put up with is usually what we end up with. This simply means if you keep putting up with things you don't like that is what you will end up with. If you constantly need to be with others to define who you are and are afraid to be alone you will just end up with either bad company or people you are not really into. I never understood why people being sing automatically felt lonely - you are never lonely until you abandon yourself.

It is not others that usually make us feel better it is actually how they make us feel about ourselves. Going on a date with someone you are really not that into - and I know most people have- makes people feel better because they feel desirable that someone is attracted to them regardless of the fact that you are not so attracted to them. Just because your own insecurities are so many you prefer to go out with someone you don't really like just to feel better about yourself.

In the same way, we do the same thing with ex boyfriends/ girlfriends and suddenly decide to go back to them after being apart for a few months. If a relationship ends because of a bad match then why want to go back to that? Either cause you are over 30 now and think you are not so attractive as your 20's and all your friends are already married and you don't even have them to go out and meet people, so you suddenly realise how much your life has changed and you cannot bear the fact of being 'alone'!

Well this is a reality check for you: being in a relationship you are not happy with an ignorant ass-hole makes you lonely and it is even lonelier to be in silent company than being by yourself. Being with someone just so not to be alone is the loneliest thing ever.

Insecurities are the main reason people, who by nature we are selfish beings, back off doing favours and wanting to be loved and popular, so to feel better by the acceptance of others. That is why instead of being honest we often lie to our friends about their choices on their partners which we often hate but try to be nice. Imagine if you told the truth without fear of people hating you for it. It is other people's insecurities that makes them unable to accept the truth from others. This is why is you know your flaws so well and accept them you are not offended as you are not in denial - and probably interested in trying to work on them.

This is one of the reason call me a nasty person - I'm not nasty I'm honest - and by being honest I try to help the people I like and care for and my true friends appreciate me for it. Try telling a woman her new hair cut does not suit her - if you are a woman she'll call you a bitch if you are a man oh God you'll never hear the end of it! If that woman though is not insecure then she might just take into account your opinion and do a better job next time and not take it too seriously of personally.

So as I was saying at the beginning, think back of the choices you made over time and how many of those were made solely because you wanted to rather than doing so in order to not being alone, or not being liked for who you are etc? We all catch ourselves lying about ourselves specially when we first meet someone - everyone does that - and this is the reason we end up with a different person to the one we first met - cause we try to mislead the other person on who we are instead of showing our true colour and being accepted for that. We fear that something we do or like or how we are may not be seen as acceptable or desirable and we try to show something different to what we are.

But have you asked yourself this: do you really want to be liked by someone who likes you for what you are not instead of what you are? Do you really want to 'trick' them into thinking you are something else and put on a show until it is too late for them to leave?

Insecurities are a part of our everyday life and most commonly we do not realise we all have them and that so many times they are responsible for what we put up and what choices we make. The 'I want to marry so I don't end up alone'  is a very common thinking particularly amongst women who are over 30 especially in more traditional cultures. My thoughts are: 'how much of an ass-hole must you be to end up dying alone?' Plus you can marry and have your family hating you so much that you end up dying alone anyway.

Insecurities often make us be around bad company also. Oscar Wilde once said it is better to be alone that to be in bad company and I totally agree. Insecure people cannot bear of being alone as they feel they worth less instead of enjoying a lonely time to use for that crazy alone time in the apartment which we all have acting cuckoo- I personally enjoy quite a few of those moments myself. You do not need others to feel better about yourself - you need to love yourself and consider the view you have of your self more important than the views of others.
When we try to do things to please others in order to become liked half of the times we do not succeed and what is the point of trying to please people for any other reason than to genuinely wanting to do something nice?

Just out of curiosity, think of the choices you have made in your life for any other reason to really wanting to...........

photo source: http://www.ourbeautifulselves.blogspot.gr/

Sunday 14 April 2013

WTF has happened to the new generation?

So I went for a drink last night with a couple of friends to this rock bar/ club.
Having a tribute party, the music after 2.00 continued as normal after, which is classic and 80's rock.
Being born in the 80's I quite like that type of music and I listen to it at home as well.

So it is about 2.30, sitting with my friends, already having had 4 drinks and right next to our table there's is a table of six, two guys (well one guy and one that resembled a guy) and four girls which looked like they were 20 years old tops.

So I'm sat there, looking around observing people like I usually do so I can bitch about them after, something that was particularly easy at that point cause most of the people had left when Def Lepard's 'Put some sugar on me' comes on, a song I like enough to have for a ringtone actually.

And what do I see? It was shocking to say the least! The four girls next to us started screaming, not like wow yeah kind of scream but aaaaaa Justin f*****ing Bieber kind of scream and started 'dancing' to it in a way that was something between moving the hips to chart music holding hands, and modern style belly dancing. I was shocked! I know I may sound like I'm exaggerating but really you had to be there to appreciate it!

So me and my cousin sat next to me who by the way is 20 herself, roughly the same age as the girls but has never danced like that to rock music, sat startled, we couldn't believe what was going on. My thought was: the 80's should be suing these girls for mocking a whole decade and what it musically represents!

So I thinking: what has happened to these girls? What has gone wrong in this generation? A week before I actually saw the same thing in a different bar- girls dancing to rock music I think it was Nirvana in particular in a way they would to a Shakira song!

I thank God that it is not a whole generation I have seen young girls who did not leave the 80's or 90's rock music scene but can move to it just fine - so there is hope. But what it makes me think is how people constantly try to be something they are not whether that is in their style, taste etc instead of just being themselves cause when you are not yourself it will show and it will show if you try to show you are trying hard to be that something else.

*image source: http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1716150146583520457#editor/target=post;postID=1764622306220183770

Friday 12 April 2013


Watching this film after about half an hour a bell rang.
Then I remembered: Natalie! A French film with Gerard Depardieu which I had seen a few years ago on DVD.

In Chloe J. Moore is married to L. Neeson where both her and her husband
are successful in their own fields. When the husband fails to catch a flight back home on his birthday where a surprised party had been arranged and after a sms his wife sees on his phone she starts thinking he has been cheating so she 'hires' A. Seyfried to approach and seduce her husband in order to make sure he is what she thinks - a cheating husband.

I will not say more as to not ruin the plot but I must say I wasn't blown away
by the active of Moore or Neeson but was very surprised to see Seyfried act in such a role!

There is a good attempt in the script to try and surprise you but nothing that is so shocking.
In my view the original idea in Natalie was much more well played, thought and displayed.
In this there is a scene that I wasn't expecting to see AT all with Moore and Seyfried which I think
was the most surprising and unexpected scene - which Im  not going to give off any more detail
in order not to ruin it!

Definitely do not watch it after Natalie, it has been altered in quite a few points especially in the
last few minutes.

 chloe photo:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1352824/